Friday, November 14, 2008

Sharapova photo-to-date fashion, elegant victory sexy Hollywood star

Recently, red Russian Maria Sharapova in their own personal official Web site for her well-known U.S. magazine "California Style" to the latest photo shoot, Sharapova Photo of Baiqun dressed, pure elegance, quality Moving.
The magazine in the United States has a huge influence in the current year on the cover of the magazine, including well-known Hollywood movie star Anne - Hathaway and Meg - Ryan and others, and Maria Sharapova have the honor of the magazine The year-end finale cover girl, great personal charm is evident from this.
近日,俄罗斯红粉美少女莎拉波娃在自己的个人官方网站上公布了她为美国著名杂志《California Style》拍摄的最新写真,照片中的莎拉波娃一袭白裙,优雅清纯,气质动人。

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